Thursday 11 January 2024

Let's Communicate! KING HENRY VIII





1. Listen the following song and then you have to read the lyrics trying to translate the chorus (the first stanza):

Divorced, beheaded and died

Divorced, beheaded, survived

I'm Henry the eighth, I had six sorry wives

Some might say I ruined their lives

Catherine of Aragon was one

She failed to give me a son

I had to ask her for a divorce

That broke her poor heart, of course

Young Anne Boleyn, she was two

Had a daughter, the best she could do

I said she flirted with some other man

And off for the chop went dear Anne.

Lovely Jane Seymour was three

The love of a lifetime for me

She gave me a son, little Prince Ed

Then poor old Jane, went and dropped dead.

Divorced, beheaded and died

Divorced, beheaded, survived

I'm Henry the eighth, I had six sorry wives

Some might say I ruined their lives.

Anne of Cleves came at four

I fell for the portrait I saw

Then laid on her face and cried, "She's a horse!

I must have another divorce!"

Catherine Howard was five

A child of 19, so alive

She flirted with others, no way to behave

The axe sent young Cath to her grave.

Catherine Parr, she was last

By then all my best days were past

I lay on my deathbed aged just 55

Lucky Catherine the last stayed alive

(I mean, how unfair!).

Divorced, beheaded and died

Divorced, beheaded, survived

I'm Henry the eighth, I had six sorry wives

You could say I ruined their lives.

2. Read the Henri’s biography by clicking the link below and answer the following questions:

  1. Who was Henry? Henry was…

  1. When did Henry become king?

  1. What were Henry's hobbies?

  1. Who was his first wife? Can you explain any information about their marriage?

  1. In what year did he marry Anne Boleyn?

  1. How the English Refomation began?

  1. How many wives did Henry have during all his life?

  1. Write some interesting facts about Henry.


3. Take a ten question quiz about this page. All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found previously:


4. Research with your classmates who were the six King Henry wife’s.

Write in your notebook their names and some anecdotal information









5. Speak and share with your classmates which is your favourite Henry’s wife and why you like it. 

You should write your questions in your notebook.

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Video del comiat d'Emma

Hello kids!
Us ensenyem el vídeo on vau col·laborar molts de vatros, moltes gràcies! Tot seguit d'aquest, veureu el vídeo d'Emma dient que ho heu fet molt bé i espera veure-us aviat. Sou genials!


Thursday 9 July 2020

A l'atenció dels alumnes de 5è

Hello kids! 
Espero que estigueu molt bé! Us escric aquest correu per recordar-vos diferents cosetes:
les tasques de l'estiu. Com sempre, estan al blog d'anglès, així és molt còmode i baratet, ji ji Us passo l'enllaç directe perquè us sigui més fàcil, encara que ja sé que ho sabeu fer sols. 
Com més cosetes fareu, més preparats i preparades estareu per a 6è! Quins nervis, ja serà el vostre últim curs 💪 Veureu que aquests dies alguns de vatros rebreu unes activitats més específiques per poder repassar unes altres habilitats. 
- Emma: estem esperant el moment ideal per ensenyar-li el video que hem muntat, ha quedat xulíssim! Moltes gràcies pels que us heu esforçat participant, i els que no, una altra vegada serà, no passa res! D'aquí uns dies podreu veure'l al blog d'anglès, esperem que us agradi 😁 Aquests dies Emma està per aquí, ha vingut a buscar maletes que es va haver de deixar i a acomiadar-se com pugui de les nostres terres, que segur que trobarà a faltar. 
- Fonix: us hem de dir que vam rebre un missatge de l'organització del concurs, dient que es cancel·lava el concurs, i ens van fer arribar un diploma per tots vatros..... ja ho sabem, quina ràbia! Natros ja vam fer la queixa i ens han dit que intentaran escoltar-nos i veure si poden fer alguna cosa. Per si acàs, encara no us enviem el video, per si s'ho repensen i ho volen fer el curs que ve. Si decideixen que no, us enviarem el video i a veure fins quants likes arribem! Al setembre us donaré els diplomes 😍
- Material 6è: el llibre que tenim de 5è, el continuarem a 6è, i ampliarem les unitats de manera que treballarem tot el que toca a cicle superior. Recordeu que també necessitem la llibreta
Qualsevol dubte que tingueu me'l podeu preguntar per correu, tan aviat pugui us contestaré. 

I ja sabeu, l'estiu és per disfrutar-lo! Aneu molt en compte i cuideu-vos molt! 


Monday 22 June 2020

Let's Communicate! KING HENRY VIII

  HOW MUCH YOU KNOW ABOUT... KING HENRY VIII SESSION 1 1. Listen the following song and then you have to read the lyrics trying to translate...